Live High, Train Low
Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring. Let train! Mammoth Lakes is one of the best places for athletes to train in the country. Not only for snowboarding and skiing but also for running, cycling, swimming, and much more too! A saying that many of these athletes go by is “Live high, train low.” This saying means, athletes live at a high altitude and then train at a low altitude. The reasoning for this is to improve performance at sea level when they are competing. Mammoth’s elevation is 7,880 feet and has a lot of trail verity which is optimal for high altitude training. Many of the world class trainers, and performance athletes have dedicated their careers and lives to live in Mammoth Lakes for various reasons. A trail runner named Tim Tollefson arrived in Mammoth three years ago with goals set out to be a professional marathon runner as his career. Although he states that “Mammoth has the best single track mountainous terrain in the country.” Which quickly changed his plans and is now a physical therapist and exercise physiologist at the Mammoth Lakes Sports Center.
So what are you waiting for! Get up and get out there. Travel to Mammoth Lakes today to train in one of the best equipped and most beautiful places in the country. Book now with Nomadness Rentals and start running! Are you already living in Mammoth Lakes or travel up there often? Consider joining the Elite Track Club. From beginners, to experts all ages and levels are welcome. The Mammoth Track Cub will guide you specifically in the direction you wish to take. As well as train you to be the best runner you can possibly be. Click Here to Join the Mammoth Elite Track Club! Not only is there just a track club, but throughout the year, Mammoth Lakes has numerous activities for people who are exercise driven. Click here to view stories and events geared towards yours interests!