Are You Starting To Experience Snowmadness Symptoms?
Snowmadness is a condition that affects millions of people globally. It’s seasonal and when it hits it’s unstoppable. It consumes your thoughts and physically affects your entire body and soul. There is no cure but there is relief until it passes. Below are some of the more common symptoms.
- Do you wake up in the morning finding yourself preoccupied and unable to start your day without checking the snow report?
2. At night when you are sleeping are your dreams about snow, Mammoth
Mountain and visions of yourself smiling and skiing or boarding? Total bliss!
3. Is your work suffering because your secretly planning your next escape
to the white fluffy stuff for a fix?
4. Do you find yourself frequently talking to your friends and family about snow
conditions/weather conditions and the snowpack in Mammoth? Conversations you don’t
normally have other times of the year?
5. Does looking at snow amplify the feelings of needing to snowboard or ski now?
If you are experiencing any or all of these common symptoms the best and most effective relief is to go to Mammoth Mountain. Start boarding or skiing immediately when you get there. Repeat this at least 3 days in a row. This relieves these symptoms but don’t be fooled this is only a tempory fix and you will begin to experience these symptoms again within 5-7 days. The longer relief comes when you immerse yourself in the activity of snowboarding or skiing and totally freeing your self from the clutches of daily life and succumbing to the snow and it’s spell.Then and only then will you find peace and bliss.
As a suffer of snowmadness I am only truly freed from the madness of the snow and it’s siren call when the snow has melted and disappeared. At least till next season.
This is an expensive condition to have and I have found NomadnessRentals has been able to help me by offering affordable, quality vacation homes to stay during my trips to Mammoth. They even have discounts on vacation rentals during the Winter at the peak of snowmadness condition. Give them a call at (888)472-5777 and get help for your snowmadness!