10 Insanely Toxic Habits You Need to Destroy to Be Successful & Happy
We all want to be successful, but we don’t want to face what’s holding us back. Many of us ignore blind spots, only to fall prey to our shortcomings down the line. So how can we trim the fat, cut our faults to the bone, and get into the habit of success?
Here are 10 toxic habits you need to destroy to allow success to find you:
1. Idolizing those who have already done it.
We all need people to learn from. My concern kicks in when leaders of industry take on a near deity status. I have a huge amount of respect for many of them, but they’re not you. Nobody is living your journey.
Use their experience to help guide you, but nobody has the same path to success. Success has indicators and certain patterns, but use the pieces that apply to you and dispel the rest.
2. Comparing yourself to peers.
This past weekend I visited a friend’s summer home. It was larger than my full-time residence. I joked with his wife that I want to be happy for them, but there’s this small part of me that hates them. So, I get it. We all want to have what we don’t have. But there is a time when you need to let go of comparison.
Take that energy and focus on how you can improve your performance as it compares to itself.
3. Rationalizing not trying.
Nothing is worse than saying “if only.” Things are the way they are. Define what you want to change, and go about changing it. If you can’t leave your job because you have to pay your mortgage, I get it. But don’t complain you want to start a business and say “I wish.”
No more wishing. Stop watching Netflix, or golfing, or going to the Yankees game, and use that time to build your business and break free. Or just shut up about it.
4. Feeding a low opinion of yourself.
I’ve met people who’ve been in one job for years and think they’re destined to be miserable in that role forever. You have the capacity to learn a new skill, and you can jump industries. It will be difficult, but what happens if you never try?
Shake off the fear of the unknown, dispel your self-limiting belief that hugely successful people are more talented than you. They’re just a bit more obsessed.Become obsessed and make power moves that nobody expects.
5. Pointing fingers.
Nobody is responsible for your good or bad fortune except you. Nobody. Deal with it.
6. Judging others.
Rich people aren’t necessarily entitled. Many of them worked their butts off for what they have. Poor people aren’t lazy, they just don’t know any better, and are stuck.Get past your judgments, and move forward.
7. Needing to have all the answers.
When confronted with a hard question, the best thing you can say is “I don’t know.” Then go find the answer. You don’t have all the answers, but if you’re smart enough to surround yourself with motivated people who support you, you’ll get the right answer eventually.
8. Seeking perfection.
You will break some eggs on your road to success. Nothing will ever be perfect.You can strive for greatness, but you can’t lament when you miss the mark.
9. Prioritizing comfort.
Throughout your journey, you will be uncomfortable. You will feel insecure. You will feel self-doubt. You may even feel panicked. Get used to that feeling and keep moving.Discomfort won’t kill you. But succumbing to self-pity will.
10. Waiting.
There is never a perfect time to start a business, sell a business, or move to the next challenge in your career. If you feel the need, take the first step. Right now.
11. Visit Mammoth Lakes and let your self-go and experience ultimate happiness. There are so many things to do to bring out laughter, peace, and tranquility