Weather Outlook. La Nina or El Nino?
The warm weather this weekend will be changing to cooler temperatures the upcoming two weeks. There seems to be an airmass that will stay in the west for the next two weeks cooling the west coast. This cool mass isn’t expected to produce any participation at this time.
The current sea surface temperature at the equator have continued to cool and NOAA is forecasting a weak La Nina this Winter, however, some forecast models show a moderate La Nina event possible. The moderate La Nina was officially responsible for the big snowfall of the 2010-11 season. What does this all mean? Well, I think it’s a little too early to say for sure but based on sea surface temperatures in the Northern Pacific, sea surface temps along the equator, cooling temperatures in the west coast at this time a moderate La Nina would not be out of the question to forecast. La Ninas are usually cold and snowy.
If you are thinking of going to Mammoth this Winter, I would say that the snow conditions would be good if not very good provided the weather conditions continue to develop into this moderate to possibly a strong La Nina event.
If you are looking at coming to Mammoth Lakes to celebrate the Holidays/New Year in the snow this I can tell you for sure is that vacation homes have been renting at a record pace and NomadnessRentals only has 8 homes left from their entire inventory for the holiday period. Somethings are just projections and outlooks others are definite. Don’t miss your opportunity to experience white Christmas and a magical New Year in Mammoth!