It’s beginning to look a lot like Fishmas…

…eeeeeverywhere you go. Just a few days away from the start of fishing season. The picture you’re looking at here is my kid brother with his first catch over by Crowley just a few years ago. I still remember the excitement in his eyes when his line gave a slow tug. “I got something!” He…
Celebrating the sunset in Mammoth!

There’s nothing like watching the sunset in Mammoth gleam over the mountaintops on a brisk summer evening. Every once in a while, I like to make my way up to the Summit and take in the sights for a moment. However, on April 15, I’ll be able to share that experience with others. On the…
One last pow storm! (Or is it…?)

Lo and behold, forecasters are now saying that spring is not quite here yet. Weather radars are showing another storm system in the works for the end of March. Details have not yet been revealed, but one thing’s for sure – more skiing is in store! Tons of exciting events are coming up in April…
The snow’s not over yet!

Just when we think we may be settling into the spring season, the unpredictable Mammoth weather decides to surprise us again! Currently, it’s calm winds and not a cloud in the sky. However, that will be changing soon. Forecasters are predicting a couple more storms that are getting ready to sweep through the Mammoth Mountain…